This Sunday we remember the saints who have gone before us. I always appreciate this liturgical opportunity to pause and acknowledge those upon whose shoulders I stand. Even more, I give thanks for knowing that we remain connected, by a lively spiritual bond in Christ.
I love this photo of St. Gregory of Nyssa Episcopal Church in San Fransisco California. It is an image of what I often feel, as one of the saints here on earth, surrounded by the example and encouragement of the saints the other side of the grave, with the light of the Risen Lord and the Heavenly City providing guidance and strength for all of us along this journey.
Another beautiful evocation of the ‘skyworld’ is offered at the bottom of this post, with words and dance from an Akwesasne perspective (gleaned from a recent post at Artful Devotion by Victoria Emily-Jones.
If you are in the area, we invite you to join us this All Saints Sunday. We would warmly welcome you. During the service there is offered for those interested a nursery for infants and a programme for children. Have a look at the Order of Service – you will notice we will celebrate not only the ‘communion of saints’ but also Holy Communion.
And please consider each of the announcements to join us in Christian faith, community and service.
“Sky World” was written in Mohawk and English by Theresa Bear Fox of the Akwesasne Mohawk Nation as a song of remembrance for those who have passed on. An abridged version was recently recorded by Teio Swathe and released as a music video with Apsáalooke hip-hop artist Supaman fancy-dancing in White Sands, New Mexico. On October 12 the video won a Nammy Awared.
Ha io ho we iaa
Ha na io ho we ia he
Io ha io ha io ho we ia
Ha na io ho we ia he
Ha io ha io ho we ia
Ha na io haioho we ia
Iooho we ia
We ha na io ho we ia he
Let’s put our minds together as one
And remember those who have passed on to the sky world
Their life duties are complete, they are living peacefully
In the sky world, in the sky world
Supaman lives on the Crow Nation reservation in south-central Montana. His own music fuses rapping with traditional Native American sounds and aims to inspire hope; he is best known for his “Prayer Loop Song,” which has over 2.3 million views on YouTube. In 2011 Supaman was interviewed interviewed on NPR’s All Things Considered, where he shared the story of his conversion to Christianity as an adult and the influence it has had on his life and work.