The week comes to a close and I look forward to beginning a new week of grace in praise and worship. And I am moved by the words with which John Hall, the Director of Music at St. Andrew’s Kingston, will welcome us in the Order of Service –
I come from a family of teachers, but I myself, preferred not to go into teaching as a full-time profession. Instead, I chose a career where one can never stop learning. The piano is a complex instrument and one can spend a lifetime understanding it and learning how to service it. After 40 years as a piano technician I like to think that I am still getting better at it. Similarly with one’s faith; we need to continue questioning, learning and sometimes teaching about our faith throughout our lives. We never have all the answers, but throughout this process of questioning and learning, our lives can only get richer.
John’s theme of learning is intentional as well as accurate. This morning our worship we welcome a team from Geneva House to lead us in worship of God – Geneva House is a Christian community of fellowship, study and witness at Queen’s University, and supported by many local churches, including St. Andrew’s. Together we will consider the words of the psalmist (#119) that will be sung as an introit,
Teach me, O Lord, your way of truth, and from it I will not depart; that I may steadfastly obey, give me an understanding heart.
In preparation for worship, I offer this prayer:
God our maker, we are grateful that you created us free and curious persons, inhabitants of this beautiful earth. You have revealed your love for us by giving us both the capacity to make choices and the ability to heed your guidance. We are students in your world, O God, and as we pass through the years, help us to remain eager learners of your ways.
With the Bible as an open book in our hands, may our minds open as well.
With Jesus as teacher and example, may our hearts enlarge in discipleship.
With your Spirit as inspiration, may our wisdom increase.
Fill this time of worship with your presence. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen. (Glen E. Rainsley. Hear Our Prayer)
Have a look at the Order of Service, and join us!
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