It’s the beginning of a new academic year. It is also the beginning of a new congregational year!
If you are looking for a church home, away from home, you would be welcome at St. Andrew’s. Last year, St. Andrew’s celebrated 200 years of witness at the centre of the city that became Kingston. Two ‘Fathers of Confederation’, John A. Macdonald and Oliver Mowatt, were raised in and were active as members of this congregation. It was this church that began Queen’s University. On one of the back pews you can still see where cadets from RMC engraved their signatures, including that of World War One ace, Billy Bishop.
Our worship is what could be described as simple and ‘classic’. The hour begins with the Bible being brought in and placed before us. The focus of our worship is listening for God’s Word in scripture, sermon and, on the first Sunday of each month, Holy Communion. We sing our souls from a hymn book that brings forward 2000 years of Christian praise, and we are accompanied by an organ of over 3000 pipes. We are part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, a branch of the Church of Christ that traces its heritage back to the ‘reformation’ of the Church in the 15th and 16th centuries, particularly under Jean Calvin in Geneva, Switzerland.
We are excited to be able to offer the historic manse beside the sanctuary as a home for seven students wishing to live in intentional Christian community on the downtown block.
And there are lots of opportunities to serve with the love of Christ through initiatives that have their home within St. Andrew’s. The Kingston Street Mission offers a safe place 8 p.m. to midnight for all struggling with accommodation issues and loneliness The Mess builds community amongst individuals from across the social spectrum through the creative arts (Tuesday-Thursday, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.) And Special Meals offers a free home-cooked meal to the community every Sunday evening, 5 p.m. – contact Bev Woodcock through the church office if you would be willing to assist, [email protected]
You are invited to join us on Sunday mornings. And if you have any questions, please contact our Minister, Andrew Johnston, at [email protected]
At the corner of Princess and Clergy Streets – our doors are now blue!
The sanctuary, with the great ‘St. Andrew’ window on the Princess Street side.
The manse, and now home of an intentional Christian student community.