In the midst of a provincial ‘Stay-at-Home Order’, it is good to remember the story of Jacob and his declaration ‘The Lord is in this place’ (Genesis 28:16). It is good to remember that this was an experience of the Holy One not of worship in a sanctuary, but rather where Jacob laid his head during a dark night (as portrayed by Marc Chagall in this wonderful painting ‘Jacob’s Ladder’ found at the Musée National Message Biblique Marc Chagall in Nice France). As Christians we believe we have seen this God not only in a dream of a ladder connecting earth and heaven but face-to-face in Jesus the Christ, and experience this divine presence by the Holy Spirit … wherever we are. As the apostle Paul wrote to the Christians of Philippi (and Kingston!), ‘The Lord is near’ (Philippians 4:5).
You are invited to join in an online service of worship. Hymns will include favourites such as ‘Now the green blade rises … love is come again like wheat new springing green’ and ‘He leadeth me … Whate’er I do, where’re I be, still ’tis God’s hand that leadeth me’. Members of the St. Andrew’s ‘Garden Divas’ will be leading in the reading of scripture, and a special prayer of commitment to care for God’s creation will be lifted up in preparation for Earth Day on April 22. Have a look at the Order of Service and Announcements below.
In support of the recent provincial ‘stay at home’ mandate, the Elders of St. Andrew’s have decided it would best to suspend in-person worship until further notice.
This decision was made this week at the monthly Session meeting on April 12. Though provincial regulations allow for a continuing 15% capacity in the sanctuary, the Church received a letter from our local KFL&A Public Health ‘strongly recommending places of worship to conduct virtual services‘, and the Elders felt it responsible to heed this request. Services will be available online each Sunday from 10:20 a.m. and thereafter on the St. Andrew’s Youtube channel,