Risen Christ by Michelangelo, 1521
The great Renaissance artist Michelangelo gave Jesus is a lot more ‘flesh’ in this statue than I am used to seeing. And that was surely his point. As a committed Christian who reflected deeply upon God and the godly life, I believe he wanted me to ‘see’ that these human bodies of ours are not only the way the Holy One thought it best to bring divine love to us, but a way that we Christians might know and share divine love. The second in a series of sermons exploring ‘The Sacred in the Ordinary’.
You are invited to join in an hour of the worship of God – hymns, readings of scripture, sermon and special prayers for all in the midst of this pandemic, and particularly for those at work in health care.
In support of the recent provincial ‘stay at home’ mandate, the Elders of St. Andrew’s have decided it would best to suspend in-person worship until further notice. This service will be available online this Sunday from 10:20 a.m. at https://youtu.be/7obMvT-vf9A and thereafter on the St. Andrew’s Youtube channel, https://www.youtube.com/c/StAndrewsPresbyterianChurchKingston