‘Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving’ – Psalm 95:6 These words seem so appropriate in this season, in this corner of creation – the colours of the trees, the stalls of the market, so many visible reminders of the abundance that fills our lives in so many ways all our days. So much of life is gift – we do not ask to be born, we live in a city built by generations before us, we enjoy music composed by others, God laid out a path of salvation before we knew how to walk. It is important to be grateful, and it is important to thank the giver.
As Christians, we thank God for life in all its fullness. And one way we thank God is to give back to God a portion of the abundance given to us, to support God’s work in the world, through the Church. This is Stewardship Sunday, and our worship will be lead by members of the congregation in prayer and story and music and sermon. ‘We give thee but thine own, whate’er the gift may be; all that we have is thine alone, a trust, O Lord, from thee’.
Join us in the worship of God … and in gratitude and dedication!