When Béatrice and I were considering names for our first born, we began by sharing with each other our personal favourites at the time. For a girl, my contributions were ‘Imogen’ and ‘Ailsa’, one very English and one very Scottish, both probably reflective of my formative years at Edinburgh University. I liked the sound of these names.
This autumn we are exploring the Lord’s Prayer anew, turning this Sunday to the phrase ‘Hallowed be your name’ (Matthew 6:7-13). The original depth of this phrase is difficult to appreciate, given how different are our concepts of both ‘name’ and ‘holy’ two millennia later.
And I think about how the Holy One was never given a name, but in an act of revelation and relationship gave ‘the name’ at the burning bush, ‘I am who I am’ (Exodus 3:14).
The doors of the sanctuary will be open for worship at 10:30 a.m. (Please see the post under ‘Special Events’ in the column to the right for the protocols and shape of the service). The service will also be live-streamed, active just after 10:20 a.m. with organ music for meditation, commencing with the Entry of the Scriptures at 10:30 a.m. DUE TO TECHNICAL GLITCHES, THIS SERVICE HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN.
The Order of Service, music notes and announcements can be found at the end of this post.
IT IS POSSIBLE TO SEE PREVIOUS SERVICES on our YOUTUBE channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzEy41z3sqfRm8X_lLfKGUA
Free parking is available Sunday mornings in the surface civic lot off Queen Street behind St. Andrew’s, and on the streets of the neighbourhood – please note that time-of-day restrictions north of Queen are not enforced on Sundays. For accessible entrance to the sanctuary, please use the ramp by the western-most door along Princess Street.
What does the Guinness Book of Records list as the best selling copyrighted book of all time? The Guinness Book of Records! As of the 2019 edition, it is now in its 64th year of publication, covering 100 countries and 23 languages.
There is an amazing circularity in this, and it is one that we encounter elsewhere in our lives. We subscribe to media that mirror and reinforce our personal perspectives on social and global events. We reside in buildings or neighbourhoods of similar economic status, and those around us become references for our lifestyles.
This morning at St. Andrew’s we will be challenged out of such circularity and insularity by a reference from another realm altogether, a reading that prompts thought and prods action …
These Sundays of summer we are exploring the gospel through the stained glass windows of the sanctuary of St. Andrew’s … and this morning we arrive at the one in which we hear of Jesus’ encounter with a young man who is asking deep questions about life (Matthew 19:16-22).
We warmly welcome you to join us. Certified child care is offered during the service and there is free parking on the streets around (please note that the time-of-day restrictions on Clergy Street north of Queen are not in effect on Sundays) and in the surface civic lot just behind the church off Queen Street.
Have a look at the Order of Service and bulletin below, and consider each hymn and prayer and announcement a personal invitation to join us in Christian worship, community and service. If you have any questions about forthcoming events and opportunities, please call the church office Tuesday -Thursday, 9 a.m. – noon, 613-546-6316, or email [email protected]
This series will continue next week with a look at the healing by the Beautiful Gate … (Acts 3:1-16)
These Sundays of summer we explore the gospel through the stained glass windows of the sanctuary of St. Andrew’s. As we do so, I am reminded of the beautiful poem The Windows by George Herbert (1593-1633) and the glorious opportunity for us to become windows through which God is ‘seen’ in this world!
What better window with which to begin than the one over one of the sanctuary doors … of the Ten Commandments. It is good to recall and reclaim these ‘ten words’ of God. The commandments have been reduced to a list of divine prohibitions, forgetting the great freedom that leaves us all else. They have been relegated to some objective legal code, neglecting the more meaningful context of covenant, the Sovereign One coming to the human ones in commitment and love, laying out for us the way of life that would honour God and ourselves. A small stained glass window, a great opportunity to consider the gospel!
A warm welcome in the name of Jesus Christ and a special welcome to all visitors and friends with us this morning.
During these services of summer, we have our certified child care and there is free parking on the streets around (please note that the time-of-day restrictions on Clergy Street north of Queen are not in effect on Sundays) and in the surface civic lot just behind the church off Queen Street.
Have a look at the Order of Service and bulletin below, and consider each hymn and prayer and announcement a personal invitation to join us in Christian worship, community and service. If you have any questions about forthcoming events and opportunities, please call the church office Tuesday -Thursday, 9 a.m. – noon, 613-546-6316, or email [email protected]
Joel School-Tanis
As the tulips and forsythia give way to the iris and peonies, one month of grace is followed by another. Have a look at this overview of the opportunities for worship, community and service this month of June, and join in as you are able!
p.s. this is a pdf of a print document, so the formatting on your screen may not be ideal
PLEASE JOIN US Sunday March 24th!
If you are in the area, we warmly invite you to join in the worship of God. Have a look at the Order of Service below (and also the announcements – please consider each a personal invitation to join us in Christian worship, community and service).
During the service there is offered a nursery for infants and a programme for young children if desired. There is free parking on the streets around (please note that the time-of-day restrictions on Clergy Street north of Queen are not in effect on Sundays) and in the surface civic lot just behind the church off Queen Street. There is a wheel chair lift available in the doors of the church closest to the manse (the courtyard is entered from the driveway half way along the St. Andrew’s block of Clergy Street) and a wheelchair ramp is available by ramp and door along Princess Street.
A special welcome to the Rev. Dr. William Morrow who is our preacher this morning. Bill received his Masters of Divinity from Knox College Toronto, is Full Professor in the Queen’s School of Religion, and is non-stipendiary priest of the Anglican Church, currently serving at St. James Church on Union Street.
If you have any other questions, please call the church office Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. – noon, or email [email protected] For matters of pastoral care during the Minister’s absence, please contact Alberta Saunders, Clerk of Session – [email protected]